At Ignite this year it was announced that automatic Teams upgrades will begin November 1. 2018 for SFBOnline organisations (without enterprise voice) Microsoft has already started offering automatic updates from Skype for Business Online to Microsoft Teams for their direct customers. Starting from November 1. 2018, Microsoft will extend this offer to partner-associated customers, administrators will be given …
Call Queues and Auto Attendants has now gone GA for Teams use. This is a big thing, enabling the Teams users to be a part of the already created Call queues and Auto attendants for the customer. An important prerequisite is that you have already gone through Interop and Upgrade configuration. As users are used …
From the beginning of Time (When Teams was launched) we all patiently awaited the day where MS would announce feature parity – and when they finally did – i guess the recent announcement at MS Ignite last week was no big surprise after all.And we all knew that eventually Teams would replace SFBO – and …
Recently i ran into this at 2 different customers – both having the exact same issue, and the workaround below solved it. Let me describe the issue.IF your CCE host OS is set to Windows Updates enabled (it should be) but your tenant is not configured with bits and OS updates, or your guest VM’s …
Ever since OCS/ LYNC server became Voice enabled we had the option to work with Normalization Rules – Normalization Rules is a way to enable users to maintain their existing dialing patterns, this could be 4 Digit shortnumbers within an organization, or simply the ability to type 8-digit numbers and see them “normalize” within the …
On more than one occasion, when doing a Hybrid SKYPE for Business implementation, i have come across the need to do an, until now, undocumented DNS configuration. Up until now i only saw this need in splitbrain DNS environments. The end result being one-way presence – so internal users had no presence for neither federated, …
Time flies – and this April of 2018 – all LYNC 2013 server and client version are end of Mainstream Support. Ending mainstream support for a product means Microsoft will no longer be enhancing that product. What it does NOT mean is there will no longer be fixes for security and reliability issues. Microsoft will …
Howdy Folks – and happy Easter. A new cumulative patch has been released for SKYPE for Business server 2015. Version number for Core components is 6.0.9319.516 To find your current patch level run this command on a SFB server Get-WmiObject –query ‘select * from win32_product’ | where {$ –like “*SKYPE for business*”} | ft Name, …
If you also find it frustrating to manage RGS Holidays – look no further. I see alot of customers struggling to get this done, and look to different Powershell GUI’s and unsupported addons – but often see issues when moving to a new server version. So powershell should be your one-stop-shop for this task. I …
Kudos to Matt Wade & for creating this EPIC Periodic Table, its really usefull for finding your way around the evergrowing bunch of app’s included in your 365 subscription. Go check it out at